Monday, November 16, 2009

Military Housing or Wild Kingdom? That is the question!

Hey there! It's nice that you came back to visit me here. You might as well take a load off during this story as it could possibly make you pee yourself. So I'm a little behind in writing this blog. I think that I can send my Thank You's out to Pinnacle Management. They are the ones that rent this fine government owned property to us and all the crap that comes with it, i.e. internet that rarely works, Direct TV because we can't have cable...unless you live up the road, oh and who can forget the lack of cell phone service we get around here. Not to mention the vast amount of wild animals that run wild in our neighborhood.

Now I know you're all wondering what kind of a place I live in that has wild animals that run wild in a neighborhood. Some of you might even be thinking "this city girl would think that a rabbit was a wild animal. Well let me just tell you when I say wild animals I'm really not kidding. You know what I'm talking about, Turkey's that take their time walking across the road when you're late getting your kid to school, Coyotes that think you're front yard is the place to see and be seen and deer who run ramped in our front lawns in the early morning / late evening hours of each day. Yeah I know, you thought I was kidding anyway.

It's great that my daughter thinks the pretty (i.e. mangy) "dog" walking up the road is pretty and wonders if we could keep it in our house because well, "mommy that doggy has no where to live. I think it's parents PCS'd (code for military move) without him. He looks so sad." Ha! Ha! I don't think so.

Oh, and I'm curious to see how many turkey's actually stay around here since it's so close to Turkey Day. WOOHOO! You know you're thinking it...what's keeping me from "accidentally" hitting one? Oh, just a huge fine. That's it. These stupid turkey's are running ramped over the neighborhood and we're supposed to co-habitate with them. Not to mention if you get anywhere near them they'll chase you like there's no tomorrow. For those of you who have been pecked in the butt by a know it's not pretty. No thanks! I didn't sign-up to live in WILD KINGDOM!!!

Ahhh...I love military life. I'm so glad that they offer us such safe places to live and for our kids to grow up. They call it nature, but I call it something quite different. It begins with a Bull and ends with a shit.

I keep telling myself that we only have 9 more months, but just my luck my husband's detailer will get a sense of humor and we'll be stuck in Wild Kingdom longer than we should. Wouldn't that just be great! My hubby is supposed to talk to his detailer in the coming month so we'll see. Let's just hope that he doesn't suddenly grow a sense of humor. Trust me ya'll I'm an Indiana girl born and raised. This is NOT normal for California. Pray that we get out of here soon or else this blog could get so much more interesting. Either that or I'll be writing this blog from jail because I've mowed down a turkey or two. Hey, maybe even a coyote. Who knows. I hear they're worth more than pedestrians (500 pts.). Until next time my amazing readers. You know who the 4 of you are. :)

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