Monday, November 16, 2009

Reward Cards! Good Behavior! Oh my!

Yep, it's me I'm back. Are you glad to see me? Well even if you aren't take a load off and let me tell you about my day. As if you really wanted to know, but I'm telling you anyway.

Today, I dropped my daughter off at school in record time. Why you ask? Because today she woke up raring to go and in the best morning mood I've seen her in, in quite a while. So after we tackled the name writing task with gusto, I left her to entertain her preschool teacher. Actually, when I left, my child was teaching the teacher how to use chopsticks. I was cracking up, as I turned to leave and heard her say, "That's not how you do it...'Breathe Caylee Breathe.' " I couldn't get out of the room fast enough as I was in hysterics.

When I got home instead of relishing in the absolute silence that was my house, I decided to put together a reward chart for my sharp tongued little girl. It was actually a chance to see how much I could bribe her to do in order to get a small treat at the end of the week. It's not that my daughter has behavioral issues. It's just that well...she's a PRINCESS / DRAMA QUEEN to the hilt. She agonizes every day over what pair of shoes to wear with her outfit. Once she's picked out the perfect pair of shoes to wear then her day can go on as planned, but not until. She's a DIVA,what can I say.

Anyway, after I prepared the reward chart, I was so excited for her to see it and want to earn her stars. When I picked her up from school, her teacher seemed excited to tell me what a pleasure she had been today. I couldn't have been prouder. That is until I noticed that she got what her teacher's call a "Character Counts" card. This is a card that the teacher's can hand out to any of their students that they see following the rules, listening to directions, helping others, doing something extraordinary, etc. Oh, it's plastered to the fridge alright!!! Right next to her reward chart. What a concept!!!

So after day one she was only threatened twice to have her star taken off of her reward card for the day. All in all, I would consider that a successful day. We'll see what tomorrow brings. My sweet and loving child could wake up to be the spawn of satan and ruin it, but I'm crossing my feet, legs, arms and fingers that she stays just the way she is. I'm always looking for ways that we can get her involved more in our daily routine, but still make it fun for her. At four, everything has to be fun...doesn't it? So if any of you have ideas that you think have been successful then by all means please let me know.

Until next time....

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