Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Thank You!" A Few Simple Words Means So Much!

Hey there! Yeah, I'm talking to you. Well don't just stand there, come on in! Get a snack and get comfortable. Fasten your seatbelt because this blog might be a bumpy ride, but we'll have a hell of a time getting there with lots of laughter along the way.

First of all, I want to start out by saying, "THANK YOU" to all the veterans out there who might be reading my blog. Also, a special "THANK YOU" to their families, the silent soldiers.

Some people have a problem with thanking soldier's families, although it always baffles me why they have this problem. I've heard comments such as "Well what are you thanking them for? They didn't do anything. They didn't go and fight for our country." That's where they would be wrong. Without the families supporting those soldiers who are fighting for our country, would those soldiers be so willing to go fight? What would life be like if we didn't have brave men and women step up to the plate. I'll tell you what would happen. The draft, that's what. So because so many brave men and women have stepped up to the plate, it gave that person the right to make that comment.

I, along with so many others call the families of military members the "silent soldiers," because they along with the soldier are fighting. They fight to keep their family together even when they are on opposite ends of the world. They fight to keep mom, dad, sister, brother, etc. as a front runner in the minds of their children and siblings. They fight to keep their marraiges alive when they spend so much time apart. Last, but certainly not least, they fight to keep their soldier supported so that he/she knows that they are loved and missed. Sometimes, it's this sacrifice alone that ensures that soldier's safety. There are so many things that a military family fights for that I'll never be able to list them all, but the next time I hear someone say, "They didn't do anything. Why are you thanking them?" I'll simply say, " I'm thanking them for allowing you to have the freedom to make such a stupid comment and ask such a stupid question."

So, after you're done reading this post and carry on with your day, PLEASE don't forget to tell a vet or a current member of the military "THANK YOU." They deserve it.

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