Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Journey Continues

So, I guess you can tell that I'm back finish off my previous post about #34. When I woke up in the recovery room, a familiar voice greeted me as my eyes opened, it was Dr. Dimitrov. He quickly asked me about the state of my "haircut" and if it was to my liking. This brought the panic back, but as I lifted my hand to the right side of my head I realized that he had done the best he could to only shave what was necessary for him to complete the surgery.

Then he proceeded to tell me that there was a reason that I was feeling bad as my shunt tubing had disconnected at my collarbone and could have also been leaking in several other locations. He also informed me that everything went well, but that I would need another surgery in 5-7 years to completely replace the whole shunt system. Great...just what I didn't want to hear...another surgery would be in my future. Now come on folks, I'm not dillusional. I realize that my body isn't normal and that occasionally I have to take the time to let the surgeons do what they must in order to keep this machine running. I guess after #34 you could consider me vintage as I have had more surgeries than my tender age of 30. Nope, this time I awoke with 5 incisions and feeling like a mack truck hit me, but I was determined to make it out of the hospital in time to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and friends.

Wait a minute...a new panick has just set in.... Did I really just consider myself vintage?

Now you see, I'm not much a medicine taker so my hospital stay was short lived. I got only the required antibiotics and then I was off to spend Thanksgiving with my amazing friends. This couldn't have been better. I even told myself that I was well enough to do Black Friday shopping. I decided to head to Michael's that evening with a few of my friends when I realized halfway through that this "vintage body" doesn't bounce back like it did when I was 19 (the last time I had a similar surgery). After that experience I decided that I was better off sleeping in on Friday and letting the mass chaos of shoppers go on without me. Don't worry though, I'll be back on my feet in time to be in the mix of mass chaos next year. :)

This all leads up to the past few days and the reason that I haven't updated my blog. The past several days have not been in any way pleasant for me. My body takes longer to heal than it used to. It's days like those that I wish I had my 19 year old body back. Well those aren't the only days I wish for that, but those are the days that I seem to wish for it most, right along with days that I wish for my pre-baby body back. :)

Today has been the best day for me so far, as I have not had any headaches or any weird feelings in general. I am able to type this post without seeing double and questioning my sanity all in the same post. We'll see how tomorrow pans out, but I'm guessing that it is going to be even better than today. Now, if only those cleaning fairies stopped by my house. That would make this whole journey complete. can dream.

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